Ensuring highest standard of clientele services through best application of latest information technology, making due contribution to the national economy and establishing ourselves firmly at home and abroad as a front ranking bank.
Efforts for expansion of our activities by adding new dimensions to our bankingservices are being continued unabated. Alongside, we are also putting highestpriority in ensuring transparency, accountability, and improved clienteleservice as well as to our commitment to serve the society, through which wewant to get closer and closer to the people of all strata. Winning an everlastingplace in the hearts of the people as a caring companion in uplifting the nationaleconomic standard through continuous upgradation and diversification of ourclientele services in line with national and international requirements is thedesired goal we want to reach.

Core Value
Continuous Self Improvement
- Continuous learning self-challenge and strive make ways for self-improvement of the workforce.
- NBL protects and safeguards all customer information.
- NBL treats everyone in an equitable and consistent manner.
- NBL creates an environment which earns customer trust.
Open Communication
- NBL builds customer relationships based on integrity and respect.
- NBL offers a full line of products and excellent service
- NBL is committed to the prosperity of the customers and shareholders
Performance Driven
- At NBL, customers and employees are judged in terms of their performance
- Interaction, open communication and maintaining a positive attitude reflect NBL’s commitment to a supportive environment based on teamwork.
- NBL Offers hassle free better service timely.
- NBL builds-up quality assets in the portfolio.